Top 10. Werewolf Movies

10.  Twilight (all of em) (2008-2012) 

Directors Catherine Hardwicke (1), Chris Weitz (2), David Slade (3) Bill Condon (4,5)

When this series came out it in the mid 2000s it took the World by storm, and was probably one of the most popular and successful adaptations of the Werewolf ever.  The series focuses mainly on the romantic relationship/competition between Bella Swan and the competing Werewolf Jacob( Team Jacob) Black and a Vampire named Edward (Team Edward).  These movies have some big names like Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattison, Taylor Lautner and Anna Kendrick. Unfortunately they are incredibly long and incredibly slow, which is why they are the 10th entry on this list.  

9.  WolfCop (2014) and Another WolfCop (2017)

Directed by Lowell Dean

When a Alcoholic local sherif begins to turn into a werewolf, he takes fighting crime to a whole new level.  With this comedic take on the Werewolf there is tons of laughs, and with the abundance of violent action scenes and comical werewolf sex scenes it should be more than enough to keep you enetertained.  This movie is definitely a B movie but it is self conscious of that fact allowing it to be completely focused on comedy and action.  This is definitely not the movie for deeper thought but it is a very well done comedic portrayal of the Werewolf.

8.  Dog Soliders (2002) 

Directed by Neil Marshal

This horror survival movie gets intense, as a team of special forces soldiers are trapped in a house in the middle of the woods while a Werewolf terrorizes them throughout the night and keeps them from escaping.  This movie is shoot through the perspective of the soldiers as some begin to crack under the fear and pressure of the Werewolf (Predator Vibes).  There is plenty of action and suspense, but unfortunately the 2002 special affects don't hold to well.  Nevertheless this suspenseful horror movie will still keep you on the edge of your seat wondering whose gonna get attacked next.

7.  The Howling  (1981)

Directed by Joe Dante

The Howling is one of the oldest movie on this list but it holds up quite well.  It follows a beautiful female news anchor who takes a vacation into rural NY after having a near death experience in the cities.  Unfortunately for her, her vacation in rural NY quickly turns into a nightmare.  This movie is well written and carried by the strong acting performance by Dee Wallace, even the Werewolf special effects are still pretty good.  This movie is definitely a suspense filled horror movie but also begins to hint into the role and societal meaning of the werewolf as well.

6.  Wolf (1994)

Directed by Mike Nichols

This movie has by far the most star studded cast out of any werewolf movie with Jack Nicholas, Michelle Pfeiffer, James Spader, Christopher Plummer, Kate Nelligan and Richard Jenkins.  This movie follows Jack Nicholas as his character is bit by a wolf and his personality changes and he begins to transform into a werewolf.  The movie gets even more interesting as there is a series of love triangles and murders.  This movie is heavily reliant on Jack Nicholas acting crazy, which he does quite well, but doesn't make any deeper connections or have memorable scenes like in the shinning.  This movie is also hurt by the cheesy werewolf special effects.

5.  The Wolf of Snow Hollow (2020)

Directed by Jim Cummings

Several strange and incredibly violent attacks in small rural town begin to grip the community in fear.  As the main character (police detective) has to try and solve the murder cases and catch the person or thing behind the violent crimes.  As the bodies pile up there is more pressure on the police to find the killer and the clues keep pointing to an impossible creature.  This movie is very well written and the acting from Jim Cummings and Robert Foster elevated it to the 90% it earned on rotten tomatoes. This Movie is very good and my personal favorite of this list

4.  Ginger Snaps (2001)

Directed by John Fawcett

While doing my research to help form this list, I quickly found that Ginger Snaps had a devoted cult following.  This movie starts out as high school teen drama movie focused on 2 sisters, but once one of them is bitten by a creature one night their lives completely change.  The Sister who was bit begins to change her personality and periodically transforms into a full on werewolf.  The only person who knows her secret is her sister.  This begins to put a strain on their relationship as the werewolf sister becomes increasingly violent.  This movie is one of the better werewolf movie as the werewolf is the main character and it focuses on the relationship between the 2 sisters.  This movie is also unique in that the werewolf is a girl.  The chemistry between the 2 sisters is very good and helped earn this movie a 90% on rotten tomatoes.( There is a Ginger snaps 2 but the reviews were very bad so I did not include it)

3.  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (2004)

Directed by Alfonso Cuarón

While this is definitely not a werewolf movie, it probably has one of the most famous depictions of a werewolf.  This is the third Harry Potter movie and the main premise is that Harry with the help of his friends and mentors need to protect/prepare himself from Serious Black an escaped fugitive that wants to kill him.  This movie takes a series of turns but one of the big ones is that a main character is found out to be a werewolf.  The way the depict the werewolf is especially intriguing as the human form of the character is nice and even nurturing, but once he transitions into a werewolf he can't control the monsters natural desire for violence.  This depiction of the werewolf as a curse that a main character struggles to conceal and deal with the negative affects is a different and unique.

2.  An American Werewolf In London (1981)

Directed by John Landis

This movie is about how 2 American tourist who visit London, and are attacked one night by a creature.  One of them begins to turn into a werewolf and starts wrecking havoc in London.  He knows that he is the one responsible, but is unable to remember or control his actions when he is a werewolf.  As he continues to attack more and more people the police begin to hunt him down more aggressively.  This movie is well written, the acting roles are done quite well, but best of all the makeup/special effects hold up very well even for a 40 year old movie.  There are a few comedic moments that keep the movie from getting too dark, but the depiction of the werewolf and the struggles of the American tourists make this one of the best if not the best werewolf movie of all time.

1.  THE WOLFMAN (1941)

Directed by George Wagner

This is one of the first cinema depictions of a werewolf and it is considered a classic and still one one of the greatest werewolf movies of all time.  When a man goes back home to visit his family after his brothers death, he is attacked by what he believes to be a wolf.  He then finds out that it was a werewolf that attacked him and that because he was bitten he will now be a werewolf.  He tries to warn and tell those he is closet too but they don't believe him.  The moral of this story seems to be that no matter how pure and noble a man is he can't control certain inner demons that can ruin his life and others.  This story is told really well, so if you can handle black and white along with incredibly limited special effects this is a must watch.


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