Werewolf Keywords - Vocabulary

 By Alexis Saucedo

Werewolf Keywords and Vocabulary

Below is presented a list of vocabulary or keywords our group encountered throughout our research that we thought would be supplemental to the readers as well as ourselves. 

  • Lycanthropy: Name for the transformation from human form to wolf form.  Lycanthropy also refers to the altered behavior that comes with being a werewolf.

  • Lykos: Greek word for wolf

  • Anthropos: Greek word for man or human being

  • Werewolf: human with the ability to shapeshift into a wolf either purposefully or while under a curse or outside influence occurring in conjunction with a full moon.

  • Transformation: the act of changing from human to werewolf form

  • Silver Bullet: A well known method for injuring or even killing werewolves. The silver sulfide in these bullets would travel through the bloodstream blocking off blood vessels and poisoning cells

  • Wolfsbane: an herb known as the common cure against werewolves

  • Genetic Lycanthropy: A child born from two parents who both posses werewolf genes

  • Werewolf Syndrome: Medical condition that causes excessive growth of hair all over the body

  • Volkodlak: A Slavic word for werewolf, but when translated to Serbian language it means vampire

  • Full Moon: The werewolf catalyst. Most werewolves transform into their wolf form during a night of a full moon

  • Skinwalkers: Term comes from Native American legends which translates to walking in someone else's skin or shapeshifting

  • Route: A group of werewolves


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